Experts in Interior Design Styles in Box Hill, Victoria

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to always up to date report.

An Interior Design Schedule is a form of product specification report that outlines the materials desired on a construction project. Specifically, a Schedule outlines floor, wall, ceiling materials and excludes lighting, windows, doors, and furniture. The reason Interior Designers and Architects create finish schedules is to communicate critical product information to the construction team. By using a finish schedule template, a designer can compile all the finish specification information into a concise document whilst achieving its intended performance such as Structural, Fire, Acoustics, Thermal, Seismic.

Interior design wall schedule

What is a 3-Part Specification and how does it relate to a Wall Schedule?

Think of a 3-Part Specification as a recipe book for the construction team. Some say this is the most important document you will create during a design project.

The 3-Part Specification outlines three sections within each division. The three parts are:
Part 1: General
Part 2: Products
Part 3: Performances

In ArchiEng, we take it a level deeper, written specifications can combine with Performance-Based Specifications. A Performance-Based Specification communicates a product or system's performance level, such as Fire rating, Acoustic Rating, Thermal Comfort etc...  This type of specification writing is most commonly used in building products such as concrete and drywall.

For example, the concrete must have a calculated PSI strength and the plasterboard might need to be a desired thickness for acoustic purposes. A Proprietary Specification outlines a specific product or list of approved manufacturers. Interior designers typically engages ArchiEng to assist in the specification most often because they can list the specific product desired along with the desired attributes, fire, moisture, mould, impact performances.

In ArchiEng, we have engineers with over 20 years experience which are highly recognised within the Australian lightweight wall systems industry. Our system allow us to compile all information and generate them into a simple, easy-to-read report compiling structural, fire, acoustic, thermal, construction details etc.

If you're an architect and wish to quickly specify some walls for initial planning permit, we can assist be generating a report covering all relevant info that complies with NCC requirements. This significantly streamline your design process, remove all the design-documentation hassle and making the initial building or planning permit a lot faster.Or if you're a builder or contractor that wish to run some value engineering on your projects, our team of engineers are able to run analysis and rationalise all wall types in ensuring you have the most optimum design. Speak to one of our engineers and see how we can assist your projects.

Importance of Wall Schedule

Construction teams use finish schedules to estimate costs and quantities of required materials. The finish schedule serves as a central point for documenting finish tags. Finish tags are then used on construction drawings like elevations and finish plans. This is the central point where the 3-Part Specification and the Construction Drawings speak to each other.

You can keep track of any missing specifications by using your schedule as a checklist. For example, wall base is not always the most glamorous material to specify, but it is an important one. Using a wall schedule will help you remember the details when building out material selections.

3-Part Specifications clearly outline: system references, reports, details, product specification, and coordinating items such adhesives, installation method and close out requirements. All these nitty gritty details could get missed if they are not clearly outlined in a full specification.

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