Certificates of Compliance: Why do you require Regulation 126A - Design and and Regulation 126B - Inspection

When it comes to building and construction in Victoria, compliance with the regulations set by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) is paramount. Among these regulations, two certificates play a crucial role in ensuring that building designs and constructions meet the required standards: the Certificate of Compliance – Design (Regulation 126A) and the Certificate of Compliance – Inspection on as-built (Regulation 126B).
Understanding Regulation 126A and 126B

Regulation 126A: Certificate of Compliance – Design
Adherence to Building Regulations
The primary purpose of the Regulation 126A certificate is to confirm that the design of a building complies with all applicable building regulations and standards. These regulations are put in place to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the building's occupants, as well as to promote sustainable construction practices. Regulation 126A mandates that a Certificate of Compliance must be issued for building designs. This certificate confirms that the design complies with all applicable building regulations and standards. It is a critical step in the planning phase, ensuring that the proposed design is safe, functional, and legally sound before any construction begins.
Avoiding Legal and Financial Repercussions
Non-compliance with building regulations can result in significant legal and financial repercussions. Without the Regulation 126A certificate, projects may face fines, delays, or even legal action. Ensuring compliance from the outset helps avoid these potential pitfalls and keeps the project on track and within budget.
Protecting Occupants and Users
One of the most critical aspects of the Regulation 126A certificate is the assurance that the building design is safe for its intended use. This includes meeting fire safety standards, structural integrity requirements, and accessibility provisions. Ensuring that these elements are considered and integrated into the design phase helps protect future occupants and users of the building.
Mitigating Risks
By securing a Regulation 126A certificate, designers and builders can identify and mitigate potential risks early in the project. This proactive approach can prevent costly modifications during or after construction and ensures that the project proceeds smoothly and safely.
A Regulation 126A certificate is often a prerequisite for obtaining further approvals and permits from local councils and other regulatory bodies. Having this certificate in hand demonstrates that the design has been thoroughly vetted and meets all necessary criteria, thereby streamlining the approval process and reducing the likelihood of delays.

Regulation 126B: Certificate of Compliance – Inspection on as-built
Verification of Design Implementation
The Regulation 126B certificate confirms that the completed building aligns with the approved design documented in the Regulation 126A certificate. This verification process ensures that all aspects of the design have been accurately executed, preserving the integrity and intent of the original plans. Regulation 126B requires a Certificate of Compliance for the actual construction or "as-built" structure. This certificate verifies that the completed building or structure adheres to the approved design and complies with all relevant regulations. It is an assurance that the finished project is safe, compliant, and ready for occupancy or use.
Preventing Unauthorized Modifications
Throughout the construction phase, unauthorized changes can sometimes occur, whether due to misunderstandings, on-site decisions, or other factors. The Regulation 126B inspection helps identify and rectify any deviations from the approved design, ensuring the final structure complies with the original regulatory approvals.
Comprehensive Safety Checks
One of the core purposes of the Regulation 126B certificate is to ensure that the built structure is safe for occupancy and use. This includes verifying that all safety features, such as fire exits, structural supports, and emergency systems, are properly installed and functional.
Assurance of Structural Integrity
The inspection process involves a thorough examination of the building’s structural components to ensure they meet all required standards. This helps to prevent potential issues that could compromise the building's integrity, providing peace of mind to occupants and owners.
Required for Occupancy Permits
In many cases, obtaining a Regulation 126B certificate is a prerequisite for securing an occupancy permit from local authorities. This certificate is a formal declaration that the building is compliant and safe for its intended use, thereby facilitating the transition from construction to occupancy.
Smoothing the Handover Process
The Regulation 126B certificate streamlines the handover process from builders to owners or tenants. It acts as an official endorsement that the building has been constructed to the highest standards, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free handover.
Why Choose ArchiEng for Regulation 126A and 126B Certificates?
Expertise and Experience
ArchiEng boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who specialize in building compliance. Our engineers are well-versed in Victorian building regulations and have a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in both design and construction compliance. With years of experience in the industry, we have successfully helped numerous clients navigate the complexities of Regulations 126A and 126B.
Comprehensive Services
At ArchiEng, we offer a full range of services to ensure that your project meets all compliance requirements. From the initial design phase through to the final inspection of the completed structure, we provide thorough assessments, detailed reports, and professional guidance. Our comprehensive approach means you can rely on us for all your compliance needs, minimizing the risk of delays or non-compliance issues.
Cutting-Edge Technology
We leverage the latest technology and tools to provide accurate and efficient compliance assessments. Our use of advanced software for design analysis and inspection ensures that we can identify and address potential compliance issues quickly and effectively. This commitment to innovation allows us to deliver top-notch services and maintain the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.
Tailored Solutions
Every project is unique, and at ArchiEng, we understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. We tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each client and project. Whether you are working on a residential, commercial, or industrial project, our team will develop customized solutions to ensure full compliance with Regulations 126A and 126B.
Strong Relationships with Regulatory Authorities
Our longstanding relationships with the Victorian Building Authority and other regulatory councils give us an edge in navigating the regulatory landscape. These connections allow us to stay up-to-date with any changes in regulations and ensure that our clients receive the most current and relevant advice. Our reputation for reliability and integrity means that we are trusted by both clients and regulatory authorities alike.
Commitment to Quality and Safety
At ArchiEng, quality and safety are at the core of everything we do. We are committed to ensuring that all projects not only meet compliance requirements but also uphold the highest standards of safety and quality. Our rigorous assessment processes and attention to detail ensure that every aspect of your project is thoroughly evaluated for compliance, reducing the risk of future issues and ensuring the safety of all stakeholders.
Securing Certificates of Compliance under Regulations 126A and 126B is a critical aspect of any building project in Victoria. With ArchiEng, you can be confident that you are working with the best consultancy in Melbourne for these essential services. We often say no to some clients because we discover that their project has certain element that does not comply, or have been using products/materials that doesn't comply; or have missing documentation. More often, requests for Reg 126A without any drawings and computation report.
Our expertise, comprehensive services, cutting-edge technology, tailored solutions, strong regulatory relationships, and unwavering commitment to quality and safety make us the top choice for ensuring your project’s compliance from design through to construction. Choose ArchiEng and ensure that your project stands on a foundation of compliance and excellence.
Regulation 126 Abbotsford Aberfeldie Aintree Airport West Albanvale Albert Park Albion Alphington Altona Altona Meadows Altona North Ardeer Armadale Arthurs Creek Arthurs Seat Ascot Vale Ashburton Ashwood Aspendale Aspendale Gardens Attwood Avondale Heights Avonsleigh Badger Creek Balaclava Balnarring Balnarring Beach Balwyn Balwyn North Bangholme Baxter Bayles Bayswater Bayswater North Beaconsfield Beaconsfield Upper Beaumaris Beenak Belgrave Belgrave Heights Belgrave South Bellfield Bend Of Islands Bentleigh Bentleigh East Berwick Beveridge Big Pats Creek Bittern Black Rock Blackburn Blackburn North Blackburn South Blairgowrie Blind Bight Bonbeach Boneo Bonnie Brook Boronia Botanic Ridge Box Hill Box Hill North Box Hill South Braeside Braybrook Briar Hill Brighton Brighton East Broadmeadows Brookfield Brooklyn Brunswick Brunswick East Brunswick West Bulla Bulleen Bundoora Bunyip Burnley Burnside Burnside Heights Burwood Burwood East Cairnlea Caldermeade Camberwell Campbellfield Cannons Creek Canterbury Cape Schanck Capel Sound Cardinia Carlton Carlton North Carnegie Caroline Springs Carrum Carrum Downs Catani Caulfield Caulfield East Caulfield North Caulfield South Chadstone Chelsea Chelsea Heights Cheltenham Cheltenham East Cheltenham North Chirnside Park Christmas Hills Chum Creek Clarinda Clayton Clayton South Clematis Clifton Hill Clyde Clyde North Cobblebank Coburg Coburg North Cockatoo Cocoroc Coldstream Collingwood Coolaroo Cora Lynn Cottles Bridge Craigieburn Cranbourne Cranbourne East Cranbourne North Cranbourne South Cranbourne West Cremorne Crib Point Croydon Croydon Hills Croydon North Croydon South Dallas Dalmore Dandenong Dandenong North Dandenong South Deepdene Deer Park Delahey Derrimut Devon Meadows Dewhurst Diamond Creek Diggers Rest Dingley Dingley Village Dixons Creek Docklands Don Valley Doncaster Doncaster East Donnybrook Donvale Doreen Doveton Dromana Eaglemont East Melbourne East Warburton Eden Park Edithvale Elsternwick Eltham Eltham North Elwood Emerald Endeavour Hills Epping Essendon Essendon North Essendon West Eumemmerring Exford Eynesbury Fairfield Fawkner Ferntree Gully Ferny Creek Fieldstone Fingal Fitzroy Fitzroy North Flemington Flinders Footscray Forest Hill Frankston Frankston North Frankston South Fraser Rise Gardenvale Garfield Garfield North Gembrook Gilderoy Gladstone Park Gladysdale Glan Devon Glen Huntly Glen Iris Glen Waverley Glenroy Gowanbrae Grangefields Greensborough Greenvale Gruyere Guys Hill Hadfield Hallam Hampton Hampton East Hampton Park Harkaway Harkness Hastings Hawksburn Hawthorn Hawthorn East Healesville Heath Hill Heatherton Heathmont Heidelberg Heidelberg Heights Heidelberg West Highett Hillside HMAS Cerberus Hoddles Creek Hoppers Crossing Hughesdale Humevale Huntingdale Hurstbridge Iona Ivanhoe Ivanhoe East Jacana Junction Village Kalkallo Kallista Kalorama Kangaroo Ground Kealba Keilor Keilor Downs Keilor East Keilor Lodge Keilor North Keilor Park Kensington Kew Kew East Keysborough Kilsyth Kilsyth South Kings Park Kingsbury Kingsville Knoxfield Koo Wee Rup Kooyong Kurunjang Lalor Lang Lang Langwarrin Langwarrin South Launching Place Laverton Laverton North Lilydale Little River Lower Plenty Lynbrook Lyndhurst Lysterfield Lysterfield South Macclesfield Macleod Maidstone Main Ridge Malvern Malvern East Mambourin Manor Lakes Maribyrnong Maryknoll McCrae McKinnon Meadow Heights Melbourne Melbourne (CBD) Melbourne Airport Melton Melton South Melton West Mentone Menzies Creek Mernda Merricks Merricks Beach Merricks North Mickleham Middle Park Mill Park Millgrove Mitcham Monbulk Monomeith Mont Albert Mont Albert North Montmorency Montrose Moonee Ponds Moorabbin Moorooduc Mooroolbark Mordialloc Mornington Mount Cottrell Mount Dandenong Mount Eliza Mount Evelyn Mount Martha Mount Waverley Mulgrave Murrumbeena Nangana Nar Nar Goon Nar Nar Goon North Narre Warren Narre Warren East Narre Warren North Narre Warren South Newport Niddrie Noble Park Noble Park North North Melbourne North Warrandyte Northcote Notting Hill Nunawading Nutfield Oak Park Oaklands Junction Oakleigh Oakleigh East Oakleigh South Officer Officer South Olinda Ormond Pakenham Pakenham South Pakenham Upper Panton Hill Park Orchards Parkdale Parkville Pascoe Vale Pascoe Vale South Patterson Lakes Pearcedale Plenty Plumpton Point Cook Point Leo Port Melbourne Portsea Powelltown Prahran Preston Princes Hill Quandong Ravenhall Red Hill Red Hill South Research Reservoir Richmond Ringwood Ringwood East Ringwood North Ripponlea Rockbank Rosanna Rosebud Rowville Roxburgh Park Rye Rythdale Safety Beach Saint Helena Sanctuary Lakes Sandhurst Sandringham Sassafras Scoresby Seabrook Seaford Seaholme Seddon Selby Seville Seville East Sherbrooke Shoreham Silvan Skye Smiths Gully Somers Somerton Somerville Sorrento South Kingsville South Melbourne South Morang South Yarra Southbank Spotswood Springvale Springvale South St Albans St Andrews St Andrews Beach St Kilda St Kilda East St Kilda West Steels Creek Strathmore Strathmore Heights Strathtulloh Sunbury Sunshine Sunshine North Sunshine West Surrey Hills Sydenham Tarneit Taylors Hill Taylors Lakes Tecoma Templestowe Templestowe Lower The Basin The Patch Thomastown Thornbury Thornhill Park Three Bridges Tonimbuk Toolern Vale Tooradin Toorak Tootgarook Tottenham Travancore Tremont Truganina Tuerong Tullamarine Tyabb Tynong Upper Ferntree Gully Upwey Vermont Vermont South Vervale Viewbank Wandin East Wandin North Wantirna Wantirna South Warburton Warneet Warrandyte Warrandyte South Warranwood Waterways Watsonia Watsonia North Wattle Glen Weir Views Werribee Werribee South Wesburn West Footscray West Melbourne Westmeadows Wheelers Hill Whittlesea Wildwood Willams Landing Williams Landing Williamstown Williamstown North Windsor Wollert Wonga Park Woodstock Woori Yallock Wyndham Vale Yallambie Yan Yean Yannathan Yarra Glen Yarra Junction Yarrambat Yarraville Yellingbo Yering