Regulation 126 Inspection

What is Regulation 126 certificate of compliance for proposed building work?
In Victoria, a Certificate of Compliance is a document that is regulated by the Victorian Building Authority and is referred to as “Regulation 126: Certificate of Compliance – Design”. The Victorian Building Authority administers Victoria’s building legislation system. The document is a statement made by the engineer (us) to the Building Surveyor that all structural design works have been carried out in accordance with the Building Act 1993, the Building Regulations 2018, the National Construction Code and the relevant Australian Standards.
There are two parts to Regulation 126.
- Regulation 126 Certificate of Compliance - Design
- Regulation 126 Certificate of Compliance - Inspection
What is Reg 126 Inspection for?
Reg 126 - Inspection is a certificate report issued by a registered civil engineer, certifying the structural adequacy of the structure as built & / or detailing any amendments required to upgrade the structure.
Reg. 126 design certificates also extend to installation of a construction of a building. After having regard to the complexity of a design, the RBS may determine that an independent inspection of the installation is required. ArchiEng offers inspection and certification services for Civil, Structural, column, walls, retaining walls, verandah, fence, alfresco, light-gauge steel (LGS), seismic ceiling solutions.
What project requires Reg 126 Inspection?
For commercial projects, inspection requests by structural engineer can be carried out on concrete, columns, structural steel, lightweight steel LGS, retaining walls, suspended ceilings, seismic restraints etc.
For domestic building works, such as houses, walls, fence, verandahs, a regulation 126 (Certificate of Compliance for Building Work) must be provided.
For businesses, parklet for road side and outdoor dining is a popular demand for Reg 126 Design and Reg 126 Inspection Certificates.
Here are a few examples from Bayside Council regarding Parklets on Roads Policy, Yarra City Council, Monash City Council, City of Stonnington or City of Kingston.
Prior to undertaking any parklet design works, the business owner must gain support from Council in regard to their proposed parklet location. The business owner must have a valid Footpath Trading Permit and is to follow the application process as outlined in the Parklet Policy, including provision of a Road Safety Audit. The parklets are to be designed by a qualified professional, with structures designed by a registered Engineer or Architect.
• The Engineer must certify the structural design by submitting a Certificate of Compliance (Reg 126) – Design.
• Upon completion of construction, the Engineer must inspect and issue a Certificate of Compliance (Reg 126) – Inspection.

What is the appropriate pathway in the case where an inspection was not undertaken of an already constructed slab/footing? Is there an appropriate pathway for a Reg126 inspection certificate to be issued by an engineer from assessment of the slab?
The Building Act 1993 and Building Regulations 2018 requires the mandatory inspections to be listed and to be carried out after the builder has notified the Relevant Building Surveyor of the completion of that stage of the building work. Further the Relevant Building Surveyor also has the power under Section 35 of the Act to carry out any other inspections where appropriate. Where work has already commenced without notifying the Relevant Building Surveyor, this is considered a breach of the legislation and further the Relevant Building Surveyor could also ask for the work to be demolished, opened, or cut in to, tested etc., if required to be satisfied that the work complies. All building mandatory inspections are required to also be carried out in person and the certificate of compliance for the building work should only be issued when the inspector can be satisfied the building work complies even if work was required to be opened or cut in to for demonstrating compliance.
How to book a Reg 126 inspection?
Our inspection request online booking system is for Victorian clients only.
We ask that you read and agree to the below terms before completing our inspection request booking form.
- We require 24-48 hours’ notice to book your inspection (subject to inspector availability).
- Please submit your request before 3pm. Any requests received after this will be attended to the next business day.
- For any rescheduling / cancellations in less than 24 hours of the inspection, please call the office on 0430 914 699. Cancellations made outside 24 hours prior to the inspection, will incur a cancellation fee.
- If structural inspections are carried out by qualified structural engineers a Certificate of Compliance (Reg 126) will be required to be provided by them for each inspection. Please email this to
- We cannot guarantee exact times requested will be accepted. Generally we book inspections on an AM/PM basis to allow for traffic, previous bookings running over time etc.
- Please ensure that previous inspections have passed prior to booking in any further inspections to avoid cancellations / rescheduling
- Should you require a frame inspection please submit truss computations / layouts please email this to
To learn more about peer review and certification, Reg.126 design certificates, design certificates issued under Victoria Building Regulation 126, Reg 126 inspection certificates, inspection certificates issued under Victoria Building Regulation 126, email your project requirement to
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Kilsyth South Kings Park Kingsbury Kingsville Knoxfield Koo Wee Rup Kooyong Kurunjang Lalor Lang Lang Langwarrin Langwarrin South Launching Place Laverton Laverton North Lilydale Little River Lower Plenty Lynbrook Lyndhurst Lysterfield Lysterfield South Macclesfield Macleod Maidstone Main Ridge Malvern Malvern East Mambourin Manor Lakes Maribyrnong Maryknoll McCrae McKinnon Meadow Heights Melbourne Melbourne (CBD) Melbourne Airport Melton Melton South Melton West Mentone Menzies Creek Mernda Merricks Merricks Beach Merricks North Mickleham Middle Park Mill Park Millgrove Mitcham Monbulk Monomeith Mont Albert Mont Albert North Montmorency Montrose Moonee Ponds Moorabbin Moorooduc Mooroolbark Mordialloc Mornington Mount Cottrell Mount Dandenong Mount Eliza Mount Evelyn Mount Martha Mount Waverley Mulgrave Murrumbeena Nangana Nar Nar Goon Nar Nar Goon North Narre Warren Narre Warren East Narre Warren North Narre Warren South Newport Niddrie Noble Park Noble Park North North Melbourne North Warrandyte Northcote Notting Hill Nunawading Nutfield Oak Park Oaklands Junction Oakleigh Oakleigh East Oakleigh South Officer Officer South Olinda Ormond Pakenham Pakenham South Pakenham Upper Panton Hill Park Orchards Parkdale Parkville Pascoe Vale Pascoe Vale South Patterson Lakes Pearcedale Plenty Plumpton Point Cook Point Leo Port Melbourne Portsea Powelltown Prahran Preston Princes Hill Quandong Ravenhall Red Hill Red Hill South Research Reservoir Richmond Ringwood Ringwood East Ringwood North Ripponlea Rockbank Rosanna Rosebud Rowville Roxburgh Park Rye Rythdale Safety Beach Saint Helena Sanctuary Lakes Sandhurst Sandringham Sassafras Scoresby Seabrook Seaford Seaholme Seddon Selby Seville Seville East Sherbrooke Shoreham Silvan Skye Smiths Gully Somers Somerton Somerville Sorrento South Kingsville South Melbourne South Morang South Yarra Southbank Spotswood Springvale Springvale South St Albans St Andrews St Andrews Beach St Kilda St Kilda East St Kilda West Steels Creek Strathmore Strathmore Heights Strathtulloh Sunbury Sunshine Sunshine North Sunshine West Surrey Hills Sydenham Tarneit Taylors Hill Taylors Lakes Tecoma Templestowe Templestowe Lower The Basin The Patch Thomastown Thornbury Thornhill Park Three Bridges Tonimbuk Toolern Vale Tooradin Toorak Tootgarook Tottenham Travancore Tremont Truganina Tuerong Tullamarine Tyabb Tynong Upper Ferntree Gully Upwey Vermont Vermont South Vervale Viewbank Wandin East Wandin North Wantirna Wantirna South Warburton Warneet Warrandyte Warrandyte South Warranwood Waterways Watsonia Watsonia North Wattle Glen Weir Views Werribee Werribee South Wesburn West Footscray West Melbourne Westmeadows Wheelers Hill Whittlesea Wildwood Willams Landing Williams Landing Williamstown Williamstown North Windsor Wollert Wonga Park Woodstock Woori Yallock Wyndham Vale Yallambie Yan Yean Yannathan Yarra Glen Yarra Junction Yarrambat Yarraville Yellingbo Yering