What material to install near commercial catering equipment

This gas information sheet provides information about the walls behind commercial catering equipment, which must be checked to ensure they are not constructed from combustible materials, because covering a combustible wall with plasterboard, ceramic tiles, or sheet metal will not provide sufficient heat protection.
Where fires have started behind commercial catering equipment, it has usually been located directly against a wall the installer thought was non-combustible because it was tiled or covered with stainless steel. Over time, however, the heat passing through the ‘non-combustible’ outer covering caused the material within the wall (for example, timber studs and noggings) to ignite.
For an existing installation, when replacing an appliance it may be necessary to protect the wall, provide sufficient clearances, or confirm the materials used are suitable.
What if fire resistant material is being installed?
If fire resistant material is being installed, then ESV will require written confirmation (referred to as a Fire Resistant Board Statement) from the manufacturer stating that “The material complies with the requirements of AS/NZS 5601.1, Appendix C”.
This statement must:
- be written on the board manufacturer’s or supplier’s letterhead
- identify the fire resistant board’s proprietary name
- state the board’s:
- thickness
- load bearing or non-load bearing nature
- compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS 5601.1, Appendix C.
Are there alternative means to comply?
Alternative means to comply include installing gas appliances in accordance with AS/NZS 5601.1 clause Clearances around commercial catering equipment, or the appliance manufacture’s installation instructions, whichever is the greater.
Walls behind commercial catering equipment – dos and don’ts
Some general rules about walls behind commercial catering equipment include the following:
- Always check the gas appliance manufacturer’s instructions and the clearance requirements as specified in AS/NZS 5601.1, clause
- Always follow the gas appliance manufacturer’s instructions if an air gap is required, and ensure the air flow behind the equipment is not obstructed.
- Never install commercial catering equipment directly against a combustible wall.
- Never install flashings between an appliance and an unprotected rear wall as this can obstruct air flow causing potential overheating to occur. It may be necessary to fit a spacer between the appliance and the wall to ensure the air gap is maintained at all times. Never remove a spacer fitted by the appliance manufacturer.
AS/NZS 5601.1, Clause 6.2.5, Temperature Limitation on nearby Combustible Surfaces, limits the temperature of any nearby combustible surface to 65 Celsius (above ambient) or less.
How can you protect walls containing (or constructed from) combustible materials?
One method for protecting walls containing (or constructed from) combustible materials like timber and plasterboard:
- Use a fire resistant board that complies with the requirements of AS/NZS 5601.1 Appendix C as the base.
- Apply an outer covering of ceramic tiles or sheet metal (like stainless steel) to comply with local health authority regulations.
(See the following diagram for a guide.)

It may be necessary to lay tiles onto ceramic tile sheeting because tile adhesive may not adhere to fire resistant board. The tile sheeting is additional to, not instead of, fire resistant board.
Does AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 Appendix C, Table C.3 apply?
AS/NZS 5601.1:2022 Gas Installations Part 1: General Installations, Appendix C, Table C.3 only applies to domestic installations and not commercial ones.
What fire resistant boards can be used to protect the combustible wall behind commercial cooking appliances?
- The board or assembly of boards must meet be compliant to AS/NZS 5601.1 Appendix C.
- Confirmation of compliance should be sought from the material supplier, and we will ask for this evidence during our acceptance process.
- Note: Fire resistant material have been retitled thermal protective material to alleviate confusion with NCC terminology.
- As per AS5601.1:2022 Table C.2.2, the new standards requires all materials to be tested in accordance to ASTM C518. There's minimum 15mm thickness and maximum coefficient of heat transfer of 7.5 W/m2K specified for commercial catering appliances. Please consult with the lining manufacturer to ensure they have the right report for this application.
- ArchiEng engineers have been engaged to provide independent review Reg 126 for these linings, to ensure they are compliant to the relevant standards.

A guide to the Australian standards for the installation of commercial kitchens and appliances
This animated video has been produced to help gasfitters achieve compliance with, and understand the requirements of the Australian standards for the installation of a commercial kitchen and appliances.
The applicable Australian Standard is AS/NZS 5601.1:2022.
It does not contain comprehensive instructions on how to complete an installation.
Non-combustible lining for commercial kitchens Fire-resistant lining for commercial kitchen walls Non-combustible cladding for commercial kitchens Commercial kitchen fire protection Non-combustible paneling for commercial kitchens Fireproof lining for commercial kitchen ducts Non-combustible materials for commercial kitchen ceilings Fire-resistant insulation for commercial kitchen exhaust systems Non-combustible wall coverings for commercial kitchens Fire-rated lining for commercial kitchen hoods Non-combustible sheeting for commercial kitchen floors Fireproof barriers for commercial kitchen equipment Non-combustible backsplash for commercial kitchens Fire-resistant coatings for commercial kitchen surfaces Non-combustible cladding systems for commercial kitchens Fireproof insulation for commercial kitchen pipes Non-combustible ceiling tiles for commercial kitchens Fire-rated lining for commercial kitchen walls and floors Non-combustible lining installation in commercial kitchens Fire-resistant sealants for commercial kitchen joints Non-combustible board for commercial kitchen partitions Fireproof curtains for commercial kitchen openings Non-combustible lining for commercial kitchen canopies Fire-rated insulation for commercial kitchen ventilation Non-combustible ductwork for commercial kitchens Fire-resistant coatings for commercial kitchen appliances Non-combustible barrier materials for commercial kitchens Fireproof access panels for commercial kitchen utilities Non-combustible lining solutions for commercial kitchen safety Fire-rated wall systems for commercial kitchens Non-combustible flooring options for commercial kitchens Fire-resistant coatings for commercial kitchen ductwork Non-combustible cladding installation in commercial kitchens Fireproof insulation for commercial kitchen equipment Non-combustible lining regulations for commercial kitchens Fire-rated ceiling systems for commercial kitchens Non-combustible paneling installation in commercial kitchens Fire-resistant coatings for commercial kitchen walls Non-combustible lining suppliers for commercial kitchens Fireproof insulation installation in commercial kitchens Non-combustible cladding requirements for commercial kitchens Fire-rated lining specifications for commercial kitchen exhausts Non-combustible lining maintenance in commercial kitchens Fire-resistant coatings for commercial kitchen surfaces Non-combustible wall coverings installation in commercial kitchens Fireproof insulation requirements for commercial kitchen pipes Non-combustible ceiling tiles installation in commercial kitchens Fire-rated lining materials for commercial kitchen hoods Non-combustible lining standards for commercial kitchens Fire-resistant sealants installation in commercial kitchen joints Non-combustible lining for commercial catering appliances AS5601.1:2022 compliant non-combustible lining Fire-resistant lining for commercial catering appliances Non-combustible cladding for commercial catering equipment AS5601.1:2022 approved non-combustible lining Fireproof lining for commercial catering appliances Non-combustible paneling for commercial catering facilities AS5601.1:2022 regulations for non-combustible lining Fire-rated lining for commercial catering machinery Non-combustible materials for commercial catering installations AS5601.1:2022 standards for non-combustible lining Fire-resistant insulation for commercial catering appliances Non-combustible wall coverings for commercial catering kitchens AS5601.1:2022 compliance for non-combustible lining Fireproof barriers for commercial catering equipment Non-combustible sheeting for commercial catering surfaces AS5601.1:2022 guidelines for non-combustible lining Fire-resistant coatings for commercial catering appliances Non-combustible cladding systems for commercial catering facilities AS5601.1:2022 requirements for non-combustible lining Fireproof insulation for commercial catering utilities Non-combustible ceiling tiles for commercial catering areas AS5601.1:2022 compliance certification for non-combustible lining Fire-rated lining for commercial catering installations Non-combustible lining installation in commercial catering environments AS5601.1:2022 specifications for non-combustible lining Fire-resistant sealants for commercial catering joints Non-combustible board for commercial catering partitions AS5601.1:2022 guidelines for non-combustible lining in catering appliances Fireproof curtains for commercial catering openings Non-combustible lining for commercial catering canopies AS5601.1:2022 compliance requirements for non-combustible lining Fire-rated insulation for commercial catering ventilation Non-combustible ductwork for commercial catering facilities AS5601.1:2022 compliant non-combustible lining suppliers Fire-resistant coatings for commercial catering machinery Non-combustible barrier materials for commercial catering kitchens AS5601.1:2022 regulations for non-combustible lining in catering appliances Fireproof access panels for commercial catering utilities Non-combustible lining solutions for commercial catering safety AS5601.1:2022 compliance certification for non-combustible lining in catering appliances Fire-rated wall systems for commercial catering areas Non-combustible flooring options for commercial catering facilities AS5601.1:2022 guidelines for non-combustible lining in catering appliances Fire-resistant coatings for commercial catering walls Non-combustible lining for commercial catering appliances compliance AS5601.1:2022 standards for non-combustible lining in catering appliances Fireproof insulation for commercial catering equipment compliance Non-combustible cladding requirements for commercial catering appliances AS5601.1:2022 compliant non-combustible lining installation in catering appliances