What projects require Regulation 126?

In Victoria, a Certificate of Compliance is a document that is regulated by the Victorian Building Authority and is referred to as “Regulation 126: Certificate of Compliance – Design”. The Victorian Building Authority administers Victoria’s building legislation system. The document is a statement made by the engineer (us) to the Building Surveyor that all structural design works have been carried out in accordance with the Building Act 1993, the Building Regulations 2018, the National Construction Code and the relevant Australian Standards.
Regulation 126 is another form of independent peer review. This process is typically carried out by professionals within the same engineering discipline to verify that there are no errors in the engineering design. Reviews are more reliable when performed by peers with the same professional background and expertise. It creates that extra confidence required that your project has been checked and verified by a third party Professional Engineer, and it is a well-accepted process in the engineering world. Engineering peer reviews may be carried out to enhance quality assurance, risk management, constructability, cost, or code compliance. Its goal is to improve the quality and safety of designs, reduces risk and increase confidence that your project has been designed in accordance to NCC, relevant Australian Standards and manufacturer's specifications.
The infographics below summarises what projects and which elements require Reg 126 which can be carried out by ArchiEng.