Schmidt Hammer Concrete Test Reg 126
What is Schmidt hammer test?
The Schmidt hammer test, or rebound hammer test is used to evaluate the surface hardness and compressive strength of concrete in order to evaluate the strength in various parts of the structure. It is the most frequently used method worldwide for non-destructive structural testing of concrete and structural components. The Schmidt hammer is principally a surface hardness tester working on the principle that the rebound of elastic mass depends on the hardness of the surface against which the mass impinges.
It can be tested by specialist, such as LMATS; or by your concrete supplier, such as BORAL in accordance with the AS3600, with an accuracy within approximately 15-20%. It is typically used in fire affected areas, shallow laminations, voiding and honeycombing.
Find out more info from the Boral Book of Concrete.

How does Schmidt hammer works?
The hammer measures the rebound of a spring-loaded mass impacting against the surface of the concrete. The test hammer will hit the concrete at a defined energy. Its rebound is dependent on the hardness of the concrete and is measured by the test equipment. By reference to the conversion chart, the rebound value can be used to determine the compressive strength in KPa or MPa units.
After the spring in the hammer is loaded, the test hammer strikes concrete at a defined energy. The height of the rebounded mass is recorded and measured as an "R" value, this value is dependent on the hardness of the concrete. By reference to conversion tables, the rebound value can be used to determine the corresponding compressive strength.

Different types of Schmidt Hammer
There are a number of Schmidt Hammer options, the following chart shows the relative strength ranges of each concrete testing hammer device, for Concrete, Rock, Paper, and Cement / Mortar.

Reg126 for Schmidt Hammer Concrete Test?
We are seeing more building certifiers requesting for Regulation 126 to confirm that the concrete has been tested is checked and verified accordingly with the relevant Australian Standards. It depends on your project requirement and requests from Building Certifier.
Most government building projects, such as hospitals, schools will require the Reg126 documentation.
Most civil construction projects such as bridges, tunnels, civil infrastructure may also require the Reg126 reports.
Consult with your building certifiers on the requests.
What's the fee for Reg126?
Again, that depends on number of hours required to review the project.
For construction material testing, straight forward concrete test cost around $350-450.
For a smaller projects, say 10 pages of computation, 10 pages of drawings, a Regulation 126 can cost around $550 - $900.
For larger projects, up to 50 pages of computations and 50 pages of drawings, it can range from $1,000 - $2,500 per project.
Who can issue Regulation 126?
A certificate of compliance may be issued and relied upon in relation to a design of building work of any Class, the inspection of domestic building work, or the erection of prescribed temporary structures. The certificate must state the proposed building work, or as constructed building work, complies with provisions of the Act and the Regulations. Regulation 126 requires the certificate to be issued in a form approved by the VBA, click here for a sample certificate by ArchiEng.
The certificate must be addressed to the RBS, a municipal building surveyor or a private building surveyor. Where the certificate is for proposed building work, it must relate to the final design. Certificates relating to design may be issued by a prescribed engineer in the relevant class of engineer, or a building surveyor registered under Part 11 of the Act.
We are Chartered Professional Engineers CPEng, Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) and registered under Business Licensing Authority (BLA) in Victoria as Licensed Professional Engineer, which in accordance to The Professional Engineers Registration Act 2019, qualified to review and issue Reg 126 Certificate Of Compliance.
For more information, please visit Consumer Affairs Victoria at this link.

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